masa' al-khoir.....good evening....i just want to know what's the meaning of "learning is fun'....maybe the people out there just speak and say this word everyday in their life as the magic word...but didn't know what's the truly meaning of it...learning?what's the meaning of learning?study or what?.....why learning is fun...?for me learning is fun when i learn about english language and arabic language or about computer.....why?..because it's my hobby...i'm very interesting about new thing in my life....when i want something..i will get it until i get what i want like 5a or another....maybe it sound hard but to me , i can do it and i will believe with my principe"Man Jadda Wa Jada"-whoever work hard...they will get the sucsess...-
that's why i'm always write in my blog using english language...just to improve my language...i hope that i will always believe that "LEARNING IS FUN"..(^_^)...THANK YOU...
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